Pack of 5 Leather Bookmarks
If you are a book lover or a journal enthusiast, you must have run into the problem: you want to mark the page but cannot find a perfect bookmark. It may be too thick that when you close the book it will make a lump. Or too thin to properly mark the page. When you open the book next time you can’t even find the page that you marked with a bookmark. Or it can’t hold its postion. Somehow it managed to slip away and you would spend some time to find the page you read last time and even more time to find the bookmark.
Then one day it occured to me, hey, we are a leather craft studio, why can’t we make the bookmarks that everyone’s looking for? After quite some time designing and experimenting, finally we are proud to present our set of bookmarks.

As simple as it seems, the process of making a leather bookmark actually involves as many procedures as making other leather goods. Our leather bookmarks are entirely handmade. Handmade is another key element to guaranttee the quality of Libertaz leather goods.
Our leather bookmarks are a 5 pack set. Each has a different image embossed, different colors or images help you better categorize your reading or writing. My personal favourites are fern and nautilus shell. Ferns and nautiluses are both ancient creatures. They have beening existing on Earth since the Paleozoic Era. They are living fossils, providing us with a window to the past of the world. There are so many nature miracles in ferns and nautiluses. Ferns are unique in land plants because they have two independent living structures with their life cycle, the sporophyte and the gametophyte. Also, have you noticed that fern fiddleheads and nautilus shells both have a code hidden in their structures? That is the Fibonacci sequence, nature’s golden spiral.

Featuring a double flap, our bookmark will keep in position firmly. There are 8 choices of the bookmarks, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, natural and rainbow colors. Our leather bookmarks are also a perfect gift for bookworms, readers, and journal enthusiasts. And here is the most excting news: currently the bookmarks are on sale with free shipping to major destinations!